
アートコンテスト結果発表 / Announcement of NKG Art Contest Winners

We are pleased to announce the results of the "NKG Art Contest!"



We are pleased to announce the results of the "NKG Art Contest." The NKG Art Contest is one of the Nippon Koei 75th Anniversary Projects, based upon a project plan out of contest-winner ideas solicited from all the staff members of NKG. The main concept of the Art Contest is to convey the "strengths" of the Nippon Koei Group such as unity, diversity, technology, its challenger spirit for the future, contribution to and cooperation with local communities, as well as the message of "gratitude" to stakeholders of NKG businesses so far.

All the Nippon Koei Group staff members were welcome to apply for the Contest (photograph/movie categories) from May to July 2021. Finally, 270 entries from 17 group companies to the photograph category and 31 entries from 7 group companies to the video category were submitted. Also, as many as 1,563 persons in total participated in the popularity vote. After the vote, the Selection Committee, in which a professional photographer was participated as a juror, was held to judge the winning works. The following have been awarded for prizes.

■写真部門/Photograph Category


All the NKG staff members were welcome to apply for the contest under the theme of "Communicating 75 years of gratitude and strength through the art.” Selected winners are of one Grand Prix and twelve Memorial Calendar Awards. The contest-winner photographs were featured in the 2022 NK Original Calendar.

大賞/Grand Prix

『共生/Living in Harmony』@広島県/Hiroshima, Japan 応募者/Applicant:yukihaiji(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

『共生/Living in Harmony』@広島県/Hiroshima, Japan
応募者/Applicant:yukihaiji(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

カレンダー賞/Memorial Calendar Awards

[1月]/ [January]

『Nature』@Mt. Abu, India応募者/Applicant:Akash Bhardwaj(Nippon Koei India)

『Nature』@Mt. Abu, India
応募者/Applicant:Akash Bhardwaj(Nippon Koei India)

[2月]/ [February]

『役目が終わっても新たな役目が…/Even if the role is over, a new role is…. 』@北海道 / Hokkaido, Japan  応募者/Applicant:たつ坊/Tatsubo(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

『役目が終わっても新たな役目が…/Even if the role is over, a new role is…. 』@北海道 / Hokkaido, Japan
応募者/Applicant:たつ坊/Tatsubo(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

[3月]/ [March]

『Women’s Day Celebration 2021』@New Delhi, India  応募者/Applicant:RAJNI VERMA(Nippon Koei India)

『Women’s Day Celebration 2021』@New Delhi, India
応募者/Applicant:RAJNI VERMA(Nippon Koei India)

[4月]/ [April]

『たねまき/Sowing seeds』@Ngoma District, Rwanda 応募者/Applicant:タガメ大統領/President Lethocerus(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

『たねまき/Sowing seeds』@Ngoma District, Rwanda
応募者/Applicant:タガメ大統領/President Lethocerus(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

[5月]/ [May]

『Future』@Kiev, Ukraine 応募者/Applicant:bebettesky(Philkoei International)

『Future』@Kiev, Ukraine
応募者/Applicant:bebettesky(Philkoei International)

[6月]/ [June]

『Thank you, Nippon Koei Building.』@東京都(旧日本工営ビル)/Tokyo, Japan 応募者/Applicant:Nakayama Takeshi(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

『Thank you, Nippon Koei Building.』@東京都(旧日本工営ビル)/Tokyo, Japan
応募者/Applicant:Nakayama Takeshi(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

[7月]/ [July]

『Menyenangkan!!! (So fun!!!)』@Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia 応募者/Applicant:NKGD_TY(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

『Menyenangkan!!! (So fun!!!)』@Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia
応募者/Applicant:NKGD_TY(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

[8月]/ [August]

『ドローンで撮ったNK/NK from drone』@日本工営㈱ 中央研究所 / Tsukuba, Japan 応募者/Applicant:ホカホカ使節団/Warmy Delegates(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

『ドローンで撮ったNK/NK from drone』@日本工営㈱ 中央研究所 / Tsukuba, Japan
応募者/Applicant:ホカホカ使節団/Warmy Delegates(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

[9月]/ [September]

『OJT on a boat』@Ha Long Bay, Vietnam 応募者/Applicant:NKV – Dang Hoang Giang(Nippon Koei Vietnam International)

『OJT on a boat』@Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
応募者/Applicant:NKV – Dang Hoang Giang(Nippon Koei Vietnam International)

[10月]/ [October]

『失われた人道橋/Lost Footbridge』@Magway Region, Myanmar 応募者/Applicant:Mr. Bagan(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

『失われた人道橋/Lost Footbridge』@Magway Region, Myanmar
応募者/Applicant:Mr. Bagan(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

[11月]/ [November]

『豊漁のバルーチャン/Bumper in Baluchaung』@Kayah State, Myanmar 応募者/Applicant:かたつむり先生/Master Snail(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

『豊漁のバルーチャン/Bumper in Baluchaung』@Kayah State, Myanmar
応募者/Applicant:かたつむり先生/Master Snail(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

[12月]/ [December]

『Dedication』@Medellin, Colombia 応募者/Applicant:jsandov(Nippon Koei LAC)

『Dedication』@Medellin, Colombia
応募者/Applicant:jsandov(Nippon Koei LAC)

■動画部門/Movie Category

「『自慢したい/知ってもらいたい』私たちの職場とそこで働く人々の魅力」をテーマに募集を行いました。会長賞 1作品、75周年記念事業委員会賞 2作品、社員投票トップ賞1作品、最大結束奨励賞 1作品、グローバル化奨励賞 1作品の合計6点が選出されました。(動画の視聴は社内限定です。)

All the NKG staff members were welcome to apply for the contest under the theme of “My attractive workplace and co-workers I wish to be proud of and you to know about.” Selected winners are of one Chairman’s Award (Grand Prix,) two Special Awards by the 75th Anniversary Committee, one Most Vote Collector Award, one Prize for Obtaining Support from the Highest Number of Countries/Regions, and one Human Resource Diversity Prize.
(These videos are available for internal.)

会長賞/Chairman’s Award (Grand Prix)

『織り成す -weave-』
応募者/Applicant:Music Club(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

75周年記念事業委員会賞/Special Award by the 75th Anniversary Committee

『愛玉紹介/Introducing AITAMA』
応募者/Applicant:Team Aitama(愛知玉野情報システム株式会社/Aichi Tamano Information System)

75周年記念事業委員会賞/Special Award by the 75th Anniversary Committee

『Dhaka MRT Line 6』
応募者/Applicant:Dhaka MRT(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

日本工営グループ社員トップ賞/Most Vote Collector Prize

『Glimpses of NK’s Indian Subsidiary』
応募者/Applicant:Rahul NEGI(Nippon Koei India)

グローバル化奨励賞/Prize for Obtaining Support from the Highest Number of Countries/Regions

『ミャンマー人との結束・協同によるティラワ港開発案件/Yangon Port in Thilawa Area Project completed by unity and cooperation with Myanmar people』
応募者/Applicant:YPDO(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

最大結束奨励賞/Human Resource Diversity Prize

『福岡支店の愉快な仲間たち/Happy Friends at the Fukuoka Branch』
応募者/Applicant:second-year employees at Fukuoka(日本工営/Nippon Koei)

■審査プロセス/Judging Process

●写真部門/Photograph Category
・一次審査 社員投票を実施
・二次審査 上記投票を受けて、75周年記念事業室および記念広報小委員会で約40点まで絞り込みを実施
・最終審査 有元会長(75周年記念事業委員会長)および写真家の山梨勝弘氏により審査を行い、受賞作品が決定

First process: Voting by NKG staff members worldwide.
Second screening: In response to the vote, the 75th Anniversary Secretarial Office and Subcommittee for Anniversary Publicity preliminarily chose 40 candidates out of all the 270 entries.
Final judgment: Referring to the result of preliminary screening, Mr. Ryuichi Arimoto, Chairman, Nippon Koei (concurrently Chairman, Managerial Committee of the 75th Anniversary) and Mr. Katsuhiro Yamanashi, Chairman, Japan Scenery Photographers Association, selected prize-winner works.

●動画部門/Movie Category
・一次審査 社員投票を実施
・二次審査 上記投票を受けて、75周年記念事業室および記念広報小委員会で約10点まで候補を選定
・最終審査 75周年記念事業委員会で有元会長および同委員会メンバーによる審査を行い、受賞作品が決定

First process: Voting by NKG staff members worldwide.
Second screening: In response to the vote, the 75th Anniversary Secretarial Office and Subcommittee for Anniversary Publicity preliminarily chose 10 candidates out of all the 31 entries.
Final judgment: Referring to the result of preliminary screening, Mr. Ryuichi Arimoto, Chairman, Nippon Koei (concurrently Chairman, Managerial Committee of the 75th Anniversary) and the Managerial Committee members selected prize-winner works.

■審査会の様子/Photos of the final judgment

審査会の様子/Photos of the final judgment

■審査員・コメント紹介/Introduction of jurors and their comments

風景写真家 山梨 勝弘氏/Mr. Katsuhiro Yamanashi, Landscape Photographer

風景写真家 山梨 勝弘氏/Mr. Katsuhiro Yamanashi, Landscape Photographer


Each entry was very good, and I had a hard time deciding which one to choose. The work selected for the Grand Prix was excellent in the technical aspect of photography. I could see the photographer used a tripod at the shooting site understanding the exact time-frames when fireflies would be flying. Once a modern structure such as a dam is built, there is a concern about the destruction of nature, for instance, by reducing the amount of water downstream. By deploying the lights of fireflies, however, the photo implies that the impact on the environment is being taken into consideration while proceeding with the development project. Since I was able to select many photos whose themes are related to NKG businesses all around the world, I suppose the Memorial Calendar will be nice and interesting.


●Profile of Mr. Yamanashi:
Born in Tokyo in 1945, Mr. Yamanashi graduated from Tokyo Junior College of Photography (currently Tokyo Polytechnic University) before joining a postcard publishing company. Later on, he became a freelance photographer and for 42 years, he has continued to shoot various seasonal sceneries of natural beauty mainly with a 4 by 5 format camera. Since March 2008, his noted gadget has been replaced by a digital camera. In 1989, he established his private office and has been taking exclusive photographs for corporate calendars, camera & travel magazines, commercial posters, et al. He is also the Chairman of Japan Scenery Photographers Association.

有元 龍一会長/Mr. Ryuichi Arimoto, Chairman

有元 龍一会長/Mr. Ryuichi Arimoto, Chairman


We received a total of more than 300 photographs and movies. Looking at the submitted works, I could get a feeling of closeness to the history of Nippon Koei. There was a picture of the old head office under demolishment as well as a part of the Baluchaung power plant. The Baluchaung project was the first project Nippon Koei carried out overseas in around 1954, and I was deeply moved because in the company’s history, this project was the foothold for the immediate increase in overseas projects that followed. On the other hand, there were many entries showing the state of developing countries and contributions to SDGs, which made me aware of the current trend of the world again. I was able to see the history behind each work and many messages they conveyed. Thank you everyone for your cooperation.