
部門長インタビューvol.1 コンサルティング事業統括本部 金井事業統括本部長/Interview with Director General, Vol.1 Haruhiko Kanai, Director General, Consulting Operations Headquarters

日本工営グループが100年企業を目指すために、各部門が長期的にどのように取り組んでいくか。部門長の皆さんにインタビューします。今回はコンサルティング事業統括本部 金井 晴彦 事業統括本部長にお話を聞きました。

Followed by English translation.








私自身は海外部門の所属が長く、韓国、中国、インドネシアなどアジアを中心に渡り歩き、MYANMAR KOEI INTERNATIONALへの赴任を含め、通算20年ほどを海外で過ごしましたので、国内部門との交流はあまりありませんでした。互いの技術や情報を共有できる機会が少なく、もったいないことが多かったと感じています。今後は連携が加速することで、海外のグループ会社においても中央研究所のシミュレーション技術やBIM/CIMなど最先端の技術を使うことなども可能になるでしょう。技術共有や人財育成の仕組みとして始動するNKGグローバルアカデミーにも期待しています。










マネジメント分野にも力を入れていきます。これまでも進めてきた海外の施工監理はもちろん、CM(コンストラクションマネジメント)・PM(プロジェクト・マネジメント)などのマネジメントに特化した業務、国内のPFI(Private Finance Initiative)や海外のPPP(Public Private Partnership)など事業の要素を持った新しい業態へのチャレンジなど、これまでとはまた違った柱になっていくと思います。









日本工営ビル1階 エントランス


Interview with Director General, Vol.1
Haruhiko Kanai, Director General, Consulting Operations Headquarters

What will each division do in the long term to further Nippon Koei Group’s aim of becoming a 100-year company? To find out, we interview the Directors General. This time, we talked to Haruhiko Kanai, Director General of the Consulting Operations Headquarters.

With the reorganization in July 2020, the domestic and international sectors of the Consulting Operations Headquarters were integrated. Looking back on the past year, how do you think it has been going?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of our employees dispatched overseas had to return to Japan in March 2020 and since then, including the subsequent restrictions on travel, this has had a great impact on our international business. The situation has varied from country to country, but it has been particularly severe in India and Bangladesh. Not only Nippon Koei itself but also our Group companies are still feeling this impact.

In our domestic business, public investment has remained strong in spite of the COVID crisis. In addition, by having the staff who returned to Japan work on domestic projects, we were able to strengthen our production system and, together with the improvement of operational efficiency and reduction of business trip and other expenses, orders received, sales revenue, and operating income all reached record highs in the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021.

Have there been any benefits from the reorganization?

The integration of the domestic and international sectors through the reorganization has worked effectively during the COVID crisis. One of the benefits of integration is that it has promoted coordination between domestic and international business. The merits of this have been great for both and this was also reflected in our business results for the previous fiscal year.

So the way you work has changed as a result of the integration.

From now on, various working patterns will be possible, such as dividing tasks between the domestic and international sectors or having staff who are registered at an overseas division come and work for a while in a domestic division. Becoming a single organization has enabled us to eliminate procedural problems and move more freely. I think it has also become easier for younger generations to learn basic technical skills in Japan and then take up the challenge of working overseas. By moving the Research & Development Center and the Technology Headquarters to the Consulting Operations Headquarters, we expect it to become easier to deploy and implement globally the cutting-edge technologies developed in them.

I myself worked in the international sector for a long time, mainly in Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Indonesia. Including my time at Myanmar Koei International, I spent a total of about 20 years working overseas, so I have not had much interaction with the domestic sector. I feel we have had few chances to share technologies and information and that we wasted a lot of opportunities. From now on, with the acceleration of cooperation, Group companies overseas will be able to use leading-edge technologies such as the R&D Center’s simulation technology and BIM and CIM technology. I also have high hopes for the NKG Global Academy, which will be launched to promote information sharing and develop human resources.

Since ways of working in the domestic and international sectors are quite different, I had a few concerns about integration, but it has worked out well. I feel it has made it possible for me and many others of our staff to change our mindset when the need arises.

Are there difficulties in integrating the domestic and international sectors?

In domestic projects, the work is often fragmented, with people in charge of research, planning, and design, and if it costs more than 50 million yen, it’s classified as a large-scale project. A distinctive characteristic of overseas projects, on the other hand, is that much of the work involves managing the supervision of large-scale construction. With the increase in ultra-large-scale projects in recent years, we have implemented huge projects such as railroads in Dhaka and Cairo and a dam in Pakistan, and profits from overseas projects have become a major pillar of our overseas business revenue. Since the roles required in our domestic and international business differ greatly, mutual understanding will be essential going forward.

We can only hope that overseas travel will resume soon.

The problem is not just the restrictions on travel but also the quarantine period. I want to go to overseas sites as much as I can, but the quarantine period of two weeks before and after makes that very difficult. Even if we can have sufficient dialogue via Web conferencing, I think it’s still necessary to talk face to face.

What is the outlook for the long-term management strategy?

The long-term target of the Consulting Operations Headquarters is to achieve sales of 140 billion yen by 2030. Positioning our overseas subsidiaries and Group companies as the engine of growth, we have set a high growth rate target. Since the competitive environment will become more severe, whether we can achieve the planned growth will be an important challenge. Another major theme is governance of the entire Group.

The long-term management strategy covers the 10 years until 2030, but our challenge and mission is how to achieve the current business plan every year. If possible, we want to achieve it ahead of schedule, but unexpected situations such as the pandemic or political upheavals may arise. The Consulting Business accounts for a large part of the Group’s business, so I feel that expectations are high. In view of these high expectations, we want to proceed steadily every year so that we can achieve our targets.

Please tell us about your new challenges.

We are also making great efforts in the management field. In addition to the supervision of overseas construction projects we have been engaged in up to now, we will pursue business specializing in management such as construction management and project management, and new business models with elements such as domestic private finance initiatives and overseas public-private partnerships, and these will become new pillars of our business.

I think we will also see an increase in projects that include business operation, such as small-scale hydroelectric power generation and mini-grids. With the integration of the R&D Center into the Consulting Operations Headquarters, I expect that our ways of monetizing technologies and software will also change.

How will you cooperate with other business divisions?

The Consulting segment is not involved in every project of the company, but for a project to build a wind power generation facility on a remote island, for example, we can cooperate with the Energy segment and there are various possibilities depending on the nature of the project.

Through the integration we can realize one-stop sales and it enables the people in each segment and overseas Group companies to view things from a Group-wide perspective beyond the framework of consulting. Up to now, some Group companies have tended to depend on the head office, but now they are developing the mindset of cooperating with mutual respect.

What are your thoughts on human resources development?

I think one of the factors behind the steady growth of our domestic business has been the fact that we have hired many new staff and fostered domestic engineers. From now on, it will be essential for the growth of the NK Group to increase the number of hybrid human resources who can work in both the domestic and the international field.

We have also been making efforts for a few years now to train regional engineers who can be active in the international arena while working at overseas subsidiaries. The level of our overseas staff has been steadily improving and I am sometimes very impressed by the perfection of their deliverables. Regarding human resources at overseas Group companies, we are trying to reduce the disparity between them and our domestic staff as much as possible. Fostering local engineering staff who can work internationally not only improves their careers, but also leads to the establishment of NKG quality from a global perspective.

Going forward, we want to make it possible to further utilize each other’s capabilities by, for example, breaking down barriers between the domestic and international sectors in the Group so that staff can be transferred, or having staff of our overseas subsidiaries train for a few months at the R&D Center.

Location of interview

1st Floor Entrance, Nippon Koei Building

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