


Followed by English translation.

[第一部] 有元会長インタビュー









2つ目は、自律と連携の促進です。純粋持株会社を中心に企業群を作り、事業軸と地域軸によるマトリクス経営を行います。同時に事業マネジメント分野へも本格的に進出し、Think Globally, Act Locallyを実践します。

3つ目は、NKGブランド、NKGクオリティの体現です。そのために人財投資、技術開発、事業投資を推進します。まず人財投資においては世界トップクラスの人財育成を図るNKG Global Academyを設立し、技術開発においてはDX等の最先端技術による新事業開拓と既存事業の高付加価値化を目指します。さらに異業種も含め「共に創る」仲間を増やすために事業投資も行っていきます。




有元会長:NKグループは創業者久保田豊の時代から 数多くの社会課題解決に取り組んできました。経営理念の「誠意をもってことにあたり、技術を軸に社会に貢献する。」は久保田豊の言葉を集約したものですが、私たちが常に立ち戻るべき原点です。

[第二部] 有元会長・新屋社長トークセッション




新屋社長:私は2013年に仙台支店に赴任し、東日本大震災の復興事業に従事しました。そこで、岩手県大槌町や福島県相馬市の震災復興CM(Construction Management)事業に取り組み、発注者の方々や地域住民の方々をはじめとするすべての関係者と寝食を共にして最適解を模索しました。これはまさに「共創」を体現した事業だと考えています。仲間や地域住民のみなさんと一緒に「共に創って」いく。これこそが、日本工営グループの成長の源泉だと考えています。


新屋社長: このような変化の激しい時代にあっては、自分たちの強みと弱みを認識し、強みを活かして弱みを補う意識をもつことが重要だと考えます。災害の多い日本で培われた防災・減災技術は当社の強みの筆頭であり、そしてこれらの強みのある技術を、NKグループのネットワークでグローバルに展開できることが最大の強みです。一方で、過去には品質やコンプライアンスに対して脇の甘さから会社を危機にさらしたこともあります。このことは「弱み」として今後も戒めとすべきでしょう。

経営理念の「誠意をもってことにあたり、技術を軸に社会に貢献する。」の「誠意」には、「真面目に物事に向かう心」という意味があり、その心は “積極的な意識”のことです。みなさんには、積極的な意識である「目的意識」「危機意識」「当事者意識」の3つを常に持ち続けてほしいです。




新屋社長: 「自律と連携」に「共創」という視点を加えた「NKG強靭化」施策を展開していきます。第1部で有元会長が説明された“3つの共創”と同義ですが、ここでは“糸”を例にお話します。


有元会長:新たに創設するNKG Global Academyが人財強靭化策の代表です。「知恵」「知見」「技術」「優れた人間性」を兼ね備えた世界トップクラスの人財を養成し、NKグループブランド、NKクオリティの確立を目指します。このNKG Global Academyでの養成の対象は、NKグループ社員だけでなく、外部のパートナーも含んでいます。




Opening the Door to a 100-Year Company under the Theme of “Working Together toward a Future Without Boundaries”

The long-term management strategy targeting 2030 was announced at Nippon Koei’s 75th anniversary ceremony. We asked Chairman Ryuichi Arimoto and President Hiroaki Shinya to elaborate on the specifics of the strategy.

Part 1: Interview with Chairman Arimoto

Please tell us about the thinking behind the theme of this long-term management strategy, “Working Together toward a Future Without Boundaries.”

Chairman Arimoto: To achieve the sustainable society that is the common goal of the whole world, it is assumed that various social challenges will continue to arise. In order to continue boldly taking on these challenges, we believe it will be even more important to approach them with an attitude of “Working Together,” not only among our staff and Group companies, but also in cooperation with our customers and partner companies, as well as involving local communities and society as a whole.

What kind of company do you think the NK Group should be in ten years’ time?

Chairman Arimoto: There are five megatrends in contemporary society: rapid urbanization, climate change and resource scarcity, demographic change, shifts in global economic power, and advances in technology.
Concerning the first of these, the rapid urbanization, occurring in emerging countries, we will focus on improving railroad infrastructure and developing urban spaces. Regarding the second, climate change and resource scarcity, we will respond through hydroelectric power development and our energy management business, which we have been engaged in since the company was founded. In response to the third, demographic change, we will strengthen our Group companies and human resources who are familiar with the markets in each country. As for the fourth, shifts in global economic power, we will develop new businesses that are not bound by existing frameworks. The fifth megatrend, advances in technology, is expected to further vitalize cross-industrial cooperation, and the NK Group will aim to become a group of engineers that goes beyond the boundaries of consultants.

What are your specific numerical targets for 2030?

Chairman Arimoto: The NK Group is aiming for total consolidated sales of 250 billion yen, an operating profit margin of 10 percent, and a 15 percent return on equity (ROE). To achieve these targets, we will implement three “Working Together” policies.

Please outline the contents of these three “Working Together” policies.

Chairman Arimoto: The first policy is reorganizing business segments. By dividing our business into three domains—Consulting Business, Urban & Spatial Development Business, and Energy Business—we can strengthen each business and create a system for “Working Together” on a one-stop basis.
The second policy is promoting autonomy and collaboration. By creating a group of companies centering around the Holding Company, we will conduct matrix management across businesses and regions. At the same time, we will make a full-scale entry into the business management field, putting into practice our approach of “Think Globally, Act Locally.”
The third policy is manifesting the NKG brand and NKG quality. To achieve that, we will promote human resources investment, technology development, and business investment. Regarding human resources investment, we will establish the “NKG Global Academy” to develop world-class human resources. In terms of technology development, we will aim to develop new businesses and add high value to our existing businesses through DX and other leading-edge technologies. In addition, we will conduct business investment, including in other industries, to increase the partners with whom we are working together.

Could you tell us something about your sustainability initiatives and the work styles of your staff?

Chairman Arimoto: All the projects the NK Group is engaged in contribute to the SDGs, but from now we will further be required to position sustainability at the center of our business concept. We will also always consider the health and happiness of our staff and will promote wellbeing management that respects diversity.
We also expect all our staff to renew their awareness of the company’s compliance and act with a high sense of ethics.

What do you think are the NK Group’s strengths?

Chairman Arimoto: Since the times of the NK Group’s founder, Yutaka Kubota, we have strived to resolve many social issues. Our management philosophy, “Act with integrity and contribute to society through technology and engineering,” a summary of the words of Yutaka Kubota, is a starting point that we should always return to.
The NK Group has about 6,000 specialists all over the world. I think the wisdom represented by their technical skills and the integrated capabilities that are the aggregate of those skills are our great strengths.
Our staff are the source of the NK Group’s strengths. Toward 2030, the NK Group will aim to become a company whose value is recognized by the world and is indispensable to the world. I want all of our staff to demonstrate their abilities to the full.

Part 2: Talk Session with Chairman Arimoto and President Shinya

Mr. Hiroaki Shinya, who became the new President in July, joined us to talk with Chairman Arimoto about the future outlook of the NK Group.

Once again, could you tell us why you used the key words “Working Together” as the theme of the long-term management strategy?

Chairman Arimoto: When the world changes, our customers change and the way we work changes. To respond to increasingly complicated social challenges and accelerating innovation, we must bring together capabilities inside and outside the company and work together with people in local communities. The concept that arose from these considerations was “Working Together.”

President Shinya: When I took up a new post at the Sendai Branch Office in 2013, we took part in reconstruction projects following the Great East Japan Earthquake. When we conducted construction management for earthquake damage reconstruction in Otsuchi Town, Iwate Prefecture, and Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture, we ate and slept with the people involved, including those who ordered the work and the local residents, as we searched for the best solutions. This was the very embodiment of our concept of “Working Together.” I think this working together with partners and local residents is the source of the Nippon Koei Group’s growth.

In this changing society, with what kind of awareness do you want your staff to tackle their work?

President Shinya: In rapidly changing times such as these, I think it is important for us to realize our strengths and weaknesses and know how to leverage those strengths and compensate for those weaknesses. The disaster prevention and mitigation technologies we have cultivated in Japan, where natural disasters are frequent, are among our greatest strengths. Our ability to deploy these technologies globally making use of the NK Group’s networks is our greatest strength. On the other hand, in the past, there have been times when carelessness concerning quality and compliance have put the company in jeopardy. I think this is a weakness we should continue to guard against.
The “sincerity” in our management philosophy, “Tackle your problems with sincerity and the road ahead shall be clear,” means an attitude of approaching things seriously, in other words, a “positive attitude.” I would like all of our staff to always maintain three positive attitudes: a sense of purpose, a sense of crisis, and a sense of ownership.

From now on, what kind of corporate structure are you aiming to build?

Chairman Arimoto: Since BDP joined the Group in 2016, we have promoted group management based on the theme of autonomy and collaboration. Each of our Group companies is autonomous and grows by itself, and the aggregate of these companies is the NK Group. On the other hand, collaboration is doing through our combined strength what cannot be done by one organization alone.
In the new long-term management strategy, we will conduct matrix management centering around the Holding Company. While analyzing the increasingly complex social challenges from a global perspective and investing in pioneering technologies, human resources, and businesses, it will also be important to strengthen each operating company so that they can meet local needs. I believe that evolving this corporate form and business operation systems is the path to becoming a truly global company.

President Shinya: We are pursuing a policy of promoting “NKG resilience” which adds the perspective of “Working Together” to “Autonomy and Collaboration.” This has the same meaning as the three “Working Together” policies Chairman Arimoto outlined in Part 1. I would like to explain this using “threads” as a metaphor.
In our first resilience policy, we aim to promote the resilience of business by reorganizing our existing five business segments into three business domains, which are the warp, or vertical, threads. Then, to enhance the resilience of our sales, risk management and governance systems, which are the woof, or horizontal, threads, we made the expansion of matrix management across businesses and regions our second resilience policy. We have already started these initiatives including organizational changes since July 2020 as a run-up to the long-term management strategy.
Our third resilience policy is establishing the NKG brand and NKG quality. The NKG quality which provides products that ensure high customer satisfaction is the warp, or vertical, quality, while the NKG brand through which we have cultivated relationships of trust with countries all over the world is the woof, or horizontal, quality. Furthermore, since this warp and woof quality is the essence of human resources, we view promoting the resilience of human resources as our most important challenge.

Please tell us a little more about your policy of “establishing the NKG brand and NKG quality.”

Chairman Arimoto: The newly established NKG Global Academy will be the cornerstone of our policy to promote the resilience of human resources. We will develop world-class human resources who possess wisdom, knowledge, technical capabilities, and excellent human qualities, and aim to establish the NKG brand and NKG quality. The students at the NKG Global Academy will not only be staff of the NK Group, but will also include our external partners. We will also develop new businesses and add value to our existing businesses through DX and other leading-edge technologies.

Finally, in 2030, the target year of the long-term management strategy, what will the NK Group be like?

Chairman Arimoto: The long-term management strategy is just the beginning of our journey toward becoming a 100-year company. It is necessary to start preparing now in order to resolve the challenges the world will face from 2030 onwards, and Nippon Koei is the kind of company that can do this. We want to foster an organizational culture of mutual respect and realize a cycle whereby personal growth leads to corporate growth and corporate growth leads to the happiness of all team members.

President Shinya: By achieving the aims President Arimoto has outlined and becoming a company that is widely trusted by society, we will aim together with all our staff to become a group of consulting and engineering companies that is overwhelmingly No. 1 in Japan and top class in the world. Let’s work together to create a resilient NKG brand and NKG quality.